As a child, I was often teased for my blond hair and light skin. Yes, I really did have blond hair. Other kids called me High-Yellow, Half-breed, and Cornbread. They called me Cornbread because they said my skin tone matched the color of Cornbread. If they were really mean, they called me an Albino. This usually got their asses kicked by my big sister, but the words still hurt. [Read more…] about Words Matter
Current Release: Come to the Oaks
The release of Come to the Oaks in May 2017, has been my strongest release yet. The book has been well received and continues to do well in the Historical Romance genre. I’ve had lots of great discussions with readers about the book and their thoughts on it. I had one reader tell me that since he grew up in the south, he felt that it was an important book historically and socially, and that he really appreciated the story. [Read more…] about Current Release: Come to the Oaks
What’s Happening in the Reader’s Lounge?
Reader’s Lounge
Come to the Oaks
Kindle Fire
Wow, I need to first thank all the new members that have signed up for the Newsletter over the summer! It is really exciting that so many people have joined my Reader’s Lounge! [Read more…] about What’s Happening in the Reader’s Lounge?
Have I Found the Fountain of Youth?
Last month I turned 52 years old. Happy belated Birthday to me! Back in my twenties and thirties, I remember saying to myself, “fifty is old.” I clearly remember looking at people over fifty as somehow not relevant to what I was doing in my own life. How is it that one could see someone twenty or thirty years older than them, and not look forward into their own soul and [Read more…] about Have I Found the Fountain of Youth?
On A Lighter Note
This month, on July 22, I’m turning 52 years old. Dang, I can’t believe it myself! Over the past year, I’ve shared quite a bit of who I am with you and got to know a lot of you a whole lot better. This month I have an interview that I want to share with you.
And, just when you thought you knew me, you get to read this. By the end of this interview, you’ll certainly [Read more…] about On A Lighter Note
My Fight To Stay Mentally Healthy
Shockingly, approximately one in six Americans take some kind of antidepressant in the United States. Depression is real. This is equal to 242 million people in America. I see it in my own family, and if I am going to be perfectly honest, I deal with it in myself.
However, there is something else that plagues so many of us as well. To a lesser degree, other than a clinical diagnosis of Depression, is the daily struggle to stay positive. It can be difficult to stay clear of the negativity that can [Read more…] about My Fight To Stay Mentally Healthy