Written by Bryan T. Clark
Published First in the Advent Devotional Booklet 2015
The definition of Hope–A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
I Hope that mankind will understand one day that we are here for such a short period of time, and that we use this time to understand and pass on the true meaning of life. That our own actions are born from love. I Hope that you see even your enemy as your brother and sister and treat them as such.
When that reckless driver cuts you off, fails to yield to you, or ignores your request to merge over, look to that driver as your brother, sister or elderly parent. How would you want someone to react to your love ones? And then act accordingly.
Despite the fact we are bombarded with negativity from all sides, Hope does exist. The very cries of those losing their power over others, their stolen wealth not rising as fast as it did in years past, and personal agendas being contested. They feel the pinch and it hurts, so they cry out. These are all sounds that the ‘Wheels of Justice’ are in fact turning.
Their cries give me Hope, Hope that one day their cries will be heard no more. That mankind will no longer look at what they have, but at what they can give away. That one day we will understand that none of it is really ours to keep, but to use to enrich others less fortunate.
The ability to have Hope is what separates us from other species on earth. Hope is what moves us forward. As a poet, I leave you with this:
Written by Bryan T. Clark
Copyright protected
To be beat no more
She ran
With a child on her back
She followed a star
They say to the north
But with dogs on her heels
She cried to the Lord
The Berlin wall falls
They were suppressed and hungry
While their government stood by
Public execution in the streets of Iran
For those that speak out
Means their death no doubt
Stones flying in the air while tanks stand by
Korean’s ready to die as their dictator sits by
We sanction the wrongs
Of their Mr. Kim Yong
She runs past it all
And continues to run
In search of equality
And a hope to be free
She ran
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