Do you enjoy all four seasons of the year, or do you dread the cold or hate the sweltering heat? Do you have a favorite season? As much as I love summer, my favorite season is fall. After months of scorching temperatures here in the Central Valley of California (and this year, we had sixty-four days of summer over one hundred degrees), the nighttime temperatures are finally cooling enough to allow me to open up the windows in the house. There is nothing better than a nice breeze coming through the window at night as I sleep. With my asthma, I am not always able to open the windows because of poor air quality, but when I can, I do.
In the next couple of weeks, I look forward to seeing the bright green leaves on the trees slowly turn to a beautiful bouquet of reds, oranges, and browns in the neighborhood. I can’t wait to resume some of my outdoor activities, such as hiking and biking in the park.
Being outside is good for my health for many reasons. The fresh air is rejuvenating to my soul, and studies have shown that vitamin D may play a vital role in regulating mood and warding off depression. This is a big win for me.
This month, Brian and I celebrated our thirty-seventh anniversary. We spent it outside—a major perk of an anniversary in September. We’re both big fans of the beach, and escaping to the coast of California is something we enjoy. What could be more romantic than a walk on the beach? Well, maybe sipping a glass of wine with the love of my life as we enjoy the sunset over the Pacific Ocean.
I love watching the fog bank roll in from the sea and cover everything around me, making it all disappear. It’s like seeing a magic trick performed by Mother Nature.
As a reader, do you have a favorite season to read about? Do you enjoy Christmas-themed stories or summer romances? As a writer, I love incorporating the seasons into my writing. In Escaping Camp Roosevelt, the boys dart through the crowded streets in an unexpected downpour of piercing rain, and in Diego’s Secret, Diego’s shirt is drenched in sweat and stuck to his back and chest as he mows Winston’s lawn in the blistering mid-summer heat. In Far Away, the smell of fresh thyme is in the air, and in Come to the Oaks, the first snowstorm of the year marks the beginning of winter, and Ben and Tobias are forced to take shelter from the storm in the barn. This scene in the book with the winter storm as the backdrop was one of the most romantic scenes in the book. These are all ways in which I pay homage to Mother Nature.
Whatever your reasons are for enjoying your favorite season, whether it’s sitting poolside during the summer, seeing beautiful foliage in the fall, or sipping pumpkin spice lattes in the winter, enjoy them as soon as you can—and as often as you can—as if you don’t have tomorrow. Let the season be a reminder that nothing is forever, so live life now.


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Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything is new again. Winter and fall are hard for me because of the holidays. I know it’s not supposed to be about money and things like that and I do remember that but it’s still hard when there’s not much there to celebrate. So I’d much rather have spring
With my allergies and asthma, spring rips me a new one every year. I become the boy the bubble, stuck in the house just so I can breathe.
Beautiful words. September is our anniversary as well 46 years for us. Autumn/fall is my favorite time of year and I really don’t even mind winter. Summer is the difficult one for me. Glad you had a lovely anniversary and congratulations!
Wow! 46 years. Congratulations! Oh, and also a congrats on your latest release. It looks good!
Loved your thoughts. my favorite time of year is fall all so. Christmas is all ways my love.
If it was up to you, the Christmas tree would be up all year long Lol
Living in the south allows us the opportunity to experience the full range of all four seasons. Each being so beautiful in its own unique way makes it difficult to choose a favorite one. Fall, I must agree, is also my favorite season.
With the arrival of idyllic fall weather, we can finally get out and enjoy the great outdoors without slathering on tons of sunscreen and sweating buckets. Blazing humid South Carolina days finally give way to temperate fall splendor. Not only do the days grow shorter, but the light quality changes. The hazy, harsh sunlight of summer softens- giving way to falls beautiful subtle golden glow. As the leaves fall, like natures confetti, they cover the ground in a beautiful harvest quilt.
On our small farm, the honey flow has slowed. The golden nectar having been captured in bottles, the bees are now quieter. The chickens produce less and slow their pace. The garden has been harvested- the fruits of our labor have been canned and frozen. The majority of the yard work is completed.
It is a time to go camping, hiking, travel, and to enjoy outdoor sports. Our fall bonfires bring together friends and family while keeping the chill of the evening at bay. It is truly a time to slow down and enjoy our family and to appreciate our many blessings.
Hi Jay,
I love your vision of fall. You paint a picture for all to see just how wonderful and beautiful fall is. There is nothing like local honey. I use it to curb my allergies and nature over counter meds is always a win!